22 ways out of common sexual dysfunction (1)

It is no more a secret that both men and women experience all forms of sexual health challenges and dysfunctions. It is a common thing in marriage relationship for either of the partner to notice a change in his or her sexual performances. As challenging as they may appear, they are very much treatable. So in today’s article, we are going to be considering 22 ways of recognising, treating and overcoming all and any form of sexual dysfunction both in man and woman.Over the years, it has been erroneously believed that sexualdysfunction is peculiar more to men but I would love to say that it is a 50-50 thing, with both man and woman. So, starting today, we shall be examining that of women.

One …Although not openly discussed, sexual dysfunction isa common concern experienced by many wives. Problems may occur during any phase of the sexual response cycle (excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution) that prevent most wives from experiencing sexual satisfaction. Many wives are reluctant or embarrassed to discuss their sexual problems with their husbands, but it’s important to let yourhusband know what is going on with you; a problem sharedis a problem 75 per cent solved. And I also encourage wives to also share with a certified sex therapist what theyare experiencing since most cases of sexual dysfunction canbe treated.

Two …Sexual dysfunction can have physical or psychologicalcauses. Physical causes include diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances, menopause, chronic diseases such as kidney disease or liver failure, alcoholism, drug abuse and side effects of common, over-the-counter medications, including antidepressant drugs. Psychological causes of sexual dysfunction can include stress from house chores, school runs, career runs anxiety,concerns about sexual performance, relationship problems with husbands, in-laws and bosses at work, depression, feelings of guilt and extreme anger and effects of a past sexual trauma, maybe rape or some brutal sexual experiences.Three …

The most common types of sexual dysfunction many women complain of are inhibited sexual desire, inabilityto become aroused, lack of orgasm, inability to climax, painful intercourse and just simple fear.

Four …When it comes to inhibited sexual desire, it is simply lack of sexual desire or lack of interest in sex. Thiscan have many causes, including when a wife feels or notices she is not being loved by her husband or when there are striking hormonal changes as a result of certain medical conditions and treatments.

Five …We also have a situation when the woman has inability to become aroused regardless of all form of love play the husband might put up. This could be because of insufficient vaginal lubrication to trigger arousal during sexual activity. Inability to be aroused may also result fromanxiety or inadequate sexual stimulation and experience. Problem of blood flow to the vagina and clitoris may also affect lubrication and arousal especially when the woman hasundergone the second or third-degree female genital mutilation popularly known as female circumcision.

Six …We also have the lack of orgasm in the sex life of the women. Medically, the absence of sexual climax (orgasm)is called anorgasmia. In this case, many factors can contribute to this state in a woman which include sexual inhibition, inexperience, or lack of knowledge. Psychological problem is also a contributory effect such as when a lady is overly anxious or she is bastardised by a past sexual trauma or abuse. Insufficient stimulation, drugs or medications and chronic diseases can also result in lack of orgasm.

Seven …Very fearful painful sexual intercourse can be a reason many wives shy away from sex even though they love it and want to have a good one and also wish to give their husbands the best. Medically, this can be as a result of a number of conditions such as endometriosis, a pelvic mass, ovarian cysts, vaginitis, poor lubrication, vaginaldryness, the presence of scar tissue from bad episiotomy cuts, or some other surgery or an untreated degenerated sexually transmitted disease. We also have the case of a painful, involuntary spasm of the muscles that surround thevaginal entrance. This is a condition called vaginismus that may occur in women who fear that penetrative sex will always be painful. This is called sexual phobia or previous traumatic or painful sexual experience.

Eight …In spite of the above stated cases in women, sexual stimulation can be enhanced naturally to help overcome many sexual dysfunction cases. For instance, justchanging a couple’s sexual routine or use of educative and informative erotic videos or books has greatly helped a lot of marriages.

Nine …Besides this, I always encourage spouses to look for an avenue where both can provide distraction techniquesfor one another. For example, anxiety may be alleviated with distraction. Erotic or non-erotic healthy sexual fantasiescan be useful. Romantic music, videos, or television soap opera has always worked for many wives; it can also distract and help such women relax.

Ten …I have seen many wives with sexual dysfunction challenges receive help just by encouraging both husband andwife to observe a non-coital behaviours. In a non-coital behaviour, couples are encouraged to fully engage in other behaviours that do not involve intercourse such as sensual massage. This helps many wies to feel more comfortable with their sexuality and feel less pressure and anxiety surrounding sexual activity.

Eleven …Over the years, I have treated many wives whosemajor complaint about sex is pain during sex simply with change of position. When and if sexual dysfunction is due to pain, sometimes changing sexual positions could greatly help minimise or eliminate the pain. Vaginal lubricants [pleasenot Vaseline or any solidified oil, this is dangerous please] may relieve pain caused by friction and relaxation before intercourse (warm or very cold bath) may decrease pain responses.

Twelve …The female hormones play a large role in sexual function in women. As women age, the hormone, estrogen,decreases, which can lead to poor vaginal lubrication and decreased genital sensation. Low levels of the male hormone testosterone in women may also contribute to less sexual arousal, genital sensation and orgasm.


 Can men have orgasm without ejaculating or have multiple orgasm like womenMy husband said men can’t have an orgasm unless they ejaculate. Can they have multiple orgasm like women? I do not know which is which.

Mrs. Sunny Sunday.

Having an orgasm and ejaculating are two different things.They usually happen together. For many men, a powerful ejaculation is the best part of an orgasm. Other men keep feeling the orgasm well after they release semen. After age40, a man may ejaculate less, but he can still have orgasms.As regards multiple orgasms, men younger than 30 are more likely to have multiple orgasms. After an orgasm, most men need a rest period before they can get another erection. If he’s older, it may be a few hours. But if he’s younger, he may be up and ready in a few minutes. It may be harder for men to fake orgasm also, but about 25per cent say they sometimes do. About half of women saythey have. Women fake it more often during intercourse than with other kinds of sex. Men may fake it instead of admitting they’re not interested, unable to stay hard, or just plain tired. Although a recent research says orgasms can add years to your life. Some studies have shown that both men and women who have orgasms often live longer than those who don’t. But I need to clarify that condoms can affect a husband’s orgasm. Using a condom may makesex feel different, especially if the husband is used to having it without one. But any husband can learn to have orgasms while wearing a condom and extra lubrication can make condom use easier, too.

Is it true that some of the food we eat affect the way most of our medications react in our body?Is it true that some of the food we eat affect the ways most of our medications react in our body?

 I have been a hypertensive patient for over few years now. I suffered from the side effect of these medications until I visited youroffice and you placed me on some natural herbs (both locally and imported ones) and I want to commend you thatthey were actually very effective. But to my greatest confusion, I discovered that when I take some of these natural herbs, they change the way certain blood pressure medications react on my body, which makes my body to react funny especially during sex. And I cannot trade sex for anything; I can’t do without sex at all. Is there any solution? Please help.

Mr. Saturday old solider

There are lots of fruits and substances that affect the reaction of our medications such as grapefruit. This citrus fruit changes the way certain cells in our gut take in and move medication through our body — it can affect more than 50 different types of drugs. It can make some less effective and make others too strong, including ones that lower your cholesterol. What you eat and drink can have aneffect on some drugs. Before you take a medication for the first time, talk with your doctor or pharmacist to see ifthere’s anything you should stay away from. Beside this, I would also like to say here that some medicines don’t work well together. For instance, milk can make it harder for your body to process certain antibiotics. If you’re taking antibiotics, make sure to find out about the foods or beverages you should stay away from.

 Licorice is one of the natural herbs that help good erection and prevent premature ejaculation; but at the same time, thechemical in licorice can weaken the effect of some drugs. If you eat dark chocolate, it can in particular weaken the effects of drugs meant to calm you down or make you sleep while it is a good sexual enhancer for women in particular. The use of alcohol could make certain drugs lesseffective orven useless, including some blood pressure andheart medicines. It also can make others stronger than theyshould be or cause dangerous side effects. Antihistamines are drugs which help with the sneezing and runny nose caused by allergies, but some of them can make medication for high blood pressure less effective and raise your heart rate. So, you need to watch closely what you eat drink andhow you feel with some medication and stay away from whichever one makes you feel funny. Also, ask your doctorfor what to stay away from.

My husband and I were on the March couples’ cruise to Spain. It was an awesome experience. However, in spite ofthe use of a good condom, I still got pregnant. So how effective are condoms? Even though we are still planning tofollow you to the next one at Dubai, my fear is, would I not be seasick.

Mrs. Adenoma George

Using a condom if you are sexually active is effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies, but condoms only work ifthey are used consistently and correctly. Studies estimate that two out of 100 couples using condoms consistently and correctly only become pregnant during the first year ofuse. To get the best from condom, do not remove them prior to ejaculation; if not it may lead to pregnancy. Make putting on of a condom part of the pleasure of foreplay. This way, your husband is less likely to lose erection. Keepcondom in a cool and dry place out of sunlight and please do not reuse condoms. Check the expiration dates and avoidcondoms with spermicidal. These are no more effective than plain condoms at preventing pregnancy and they have a shorter shelf life. Yes, the last couples cruise to Spain wassplendid and remarkable but I tell you, the next one to Dubai is going to be breathtaking because of the historical places couples will be visiting. I want as many couples to be part of this cruise. You should not be afraid of seasickness; there are medical experts that would take good care of you.

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