US, North Korea in ‘kindergarden fight’, says Russia

US President Donald Trump; North Korean leader Kim Jong-UnRussian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday describedthe rhetoric between leaders of the United States and NorthKorea as a “kindergarden fight between children” and urgedcalm.“We have to calm down the hot heads and understand thatwe do need pauses, that we do need some contacts,” Lavrov told a news conference at the United Nations wherehe was attending the annual General Assembly debate.

In his first address to the world gathering on Tuesday, USPresident Donald Trump threatened to “totally destroy NorthKorea,” derided leader Kim Yong-un as “Rocket Man” and said he was on a “suicide mission.”Kim shot back at Trump on Thursday, describing him as “mentally deranged” and warning he would “pay dearly” for his threat.Lavrov said Russia was working with other countries “to strive for the reasonable and not the emotional approach —instead of the kindergarden fight between children (where) no one can stop them.”Moscow would welcome any attempt by a third country to mediate in the crisis, Lavrov told a news conference, addingthat this could come from a “neutral” European nation. Switzerland has offered its mediation.

Russia and China are pushing a joint proposal to kick-starttalks with North Korea by freezing Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for a suspension of US-SouthKorean military drills.The United States however has rejected that proposal as “insulting” and maintains it will not offer incentives to Pyongyang to come to the negotiating table.Without mentioning the United States, Lavrov said those countries that refuse dialogue are “not fulfilling” the obligations of UN Security Council resolutions that call for a peaceful settlement to the crisis.North Korea in recent weeks detonated its sixth nuclear bomb and has test-fired intercontinental missiles — saying it needs to defend itself against hostility from the United States and its allies.

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