Bad breath is embarrassing but body odour is disastrous and kills confidence. This is because it emits a pungent smell which drives off anyone that comes close to you. One who has body odor may not be able to notice due to the sensory adaptation of our body. When you notice people making funny gestures whenever they come closeto you, always seek for a close friend that would tell you the truth.
It goes along way in helping you solve the problem.Body odor is caused by unhealthy hygiene practice such as unshaved hairs in the armpits, genitals, dietary deficiencies not taking regular baths daily thereby leaving sweat glands and other waste products on the body thereby causing body odor.Here are home remedies and tips to help you get rid of body odor and keep you clean and fresh.

1. Shave pubic hairs: Unshaved hairs on armpits and genital parts serve as breeding homes for bacteria which traps odours and reduce the evaporation of sweats resulting to body odor. Shaving your hairs at weekly intervals is necessary to stop body odors.

2. Use vinegar after shower: Vinegars eg apple cider vinegar or white vinegarcreate an acidic environment for the bacteria to survive. After shaving your underarms and pubic hairs, take a shower and splash the vinegar on the shaved areas. NOTE: Do not use this method on broken or sensitive skins immediately after shaving because you may encounter skin burns.

3. Change your shoes: Consistent use of a pair of shoes cause acc**ulation of bacteria to be concentrated on the feet resulting in offensive odor. When you change your shoes at least at daily intervals , it allows air into the feet, expelling the concentrated odor acc**ulated in the feet.

4. Witch hazel and tree oil: Just like vinegar, they are good natural antiseptics, sterilizers and can also serve as a deodorant. They create an acidicenvironment by lowering the ph of the skin, thus making it unfavorable for thebacteria to survive. They should be applied to the armpits after taking baths bysoaking cotton balls in the witch hazel and tree oil.

5. Lemon juice and water: lemon juice is very acidic that’s why it needs to bediluted in water to reduce its acidity. It makes bacteria survival difficult by lowering the skin ph thereby preventing body odour. After squeezing the juice out o the lemon and diluting in half cup of water, use a cotton ball to apply in your underarm after taking shower.

6. Dietary approach: Diets serve as home remedies to get rid of body odors because a balanced diet contains nutrients that add a lot of value to the body.Some recommended dietary approach include:-Drinking plenty water-Eat foods that are rich in basic nutrients like fruits,vegetables, high fiber foods.-Avoid junk foods, sugary foods, high calorie foods eg butter, fried meats etc

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