How To Graduate With First Class In Any Tertiary Institution

1. DEVELOP A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GODIf you make God number one in your agenda, hewill make you number one. While you are on campus, you will faced with different crises(physically and sometimes spiritually). The only solution is to pray to God Almighty.

2. SET A SMART GOALYou have to set a goal before you can achieve it. Your target goal must be Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely(SMART). At the beginning of each academic session, choose the scores and grades you wish to havein all your courses and write it down. You can’t possible make a first class when your target goal is to graduate with a second class. So, get your goals right and make it smart.

3. STAY FOCUSEDMaking the decision, “I want to graduate with first class” Is quite easy to say. Keeping the dream alive is the difficult one. When you face crises on campus, don’t despair and keep your head straight up. Remain focused and determined towards achieving your goal(To graduate with first class).It is very certain that a lot of things will want to distract and discourage you, but you have to remain focused and determined. That is the spirit you need to graduate with first class.

4. USE YOUR TIME THE RIGHT WAY If you want to graduate with first class in school, you have to manage your time effectively. Know how to use your time the rightway. Do not place anything a3ove your academic works. Studies first, then others follow. Don’t waste your time on social activities.

5. ATTEND CLASSES, PRACTICALS AND TUTORIALSIf you are willing to graduate with first class, you must not take this point lightly. Strive to attend all lectures and practicals, join study tutorials and discuss academic works with mates. Don’t take any of your academic work with levity. When doing this, ensure you are punctual. There is no class that is not important,you will learn at least one new thing in every lecture.You will also have the opportunity to ask questions directly from lecturers and get first-class answer. Do you even know that lecturers ask questions that will come out of examinationduring lectures? Yes, they do. If you are wise, that is an expo for you.

6. BE AHEAD OF OTHERSWho is a first class graduate? A graduate among other graduates that is ahead of others academically based on his/her report. So, if youwant to become a first class graduate, you haveto be ahead of others. Read ahead of others, read ahead of yourexamination, read ahead of your lecturers, read ahead of your mates. You want to be a first class graduate, so you must be ahead.

7. DISCOVER YOURSELFWhat works for Paul might not work for Peter. While some students cram for examination to become first class graduate, cramming for examination might not work you. Know yourself, be yourself. Discover your most effective study time, discover your most effective study method, know your strengths and weaknesses. Work on these discoveries and use them the right way.

8. KNOW YOUR LECTURERS AND YOUR SCHOOLEach school has its own way of conduct, and also each lecturer has his/her own system. Oneman’s food is another man’s poison. While some lecturers like students that write additional information in examination and give them bonus marks, other lecturers don’t like it and remove marks. How do you know which lecturer like this and which lecturer hate that? Simple….. Through observation, asking questions in class, answering questions in classand by asking your seniors in school, you’ll know each lecturer and what their expectationsare.

9. DEVELOP THE RIGHT ATTITUDEYou know what? You can’t graduate with first class when you don’t behave like one. You will hear your mates and seniors saying “Nobody has ever passed the course of this lecturer”, “Nobody can get an A in this course”, and so on.You have to develop the right attitude and say to yourself, “Yes, I can do it”. Don’t follow what the crowd say, majority can be wrong sometimes. Neglect all negative thoughts and develop a positive attitude.

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