So Sad, It Happened:- The Life I Didn’t Wish For (Episode 20, 21, 22, & 23)


Will you… oh my Gaffar wants to propose to me?

Oh no!

“Will you take this gift from me”? He said while he put the package forward to me. I came out of the shock while every other person left saying “what a joker”.

I couldn’t really see what was in the package but I took it anyway and I gave him a big hug. We drove out of my hostel while we gist and I told him everything Adenike said.

He laughed over it while he said; “don’t worry, he who laughs last, last best”. For some reasons, I’ve grown to love this man and I won’t gamble spending the rest of my life with him.

We got over dinner while he drove me down to my hostel. I was about stepping out while he pulled me back and boom we were already kissing. I felt this thing in my tummy that made me wanted more but he stopped.

I rushed down immediately feeling shy while he ran after me saying; “wait up, you forgot your gift”. He gave me the gift without looking back while I rushed into my room.

My room mates weren’t in so I took much time to reminisce over what happened then I remembered he gave me a gift. I opened it and to my surprise, it was a phone, Gaffar got me a sophisticated phone.

As days went faster, things started to wax strong between Gaffar and I. I’ve grown too close to him and I now see him as my soulmate the spot kayode once shared.

Its no denying that I miss kayode, I mean he was there for me when no one was but times has changed.

I’m sure he left because he had better options. I use to feel no one could take kayode’s place in my heart but meeting Gaffar, has been a total change in life for me.

Gaffar is a very sweet, caring, understanding and romantic person. Little gestures he shows makes me love him more. derives so much pleasure in helping the needy seems doing it makes me happy.

Hmm my Gaffar I can’t believe I’m this lucky, I mean how could he have chosen me of all people out of millions of girls around him? He isn’t even afraid of showing me to the world even though I’m not in his league.

He tries his best, he buys me clothe, he feeds me, listens to my problems and helps in solving them.

I just wish I never wake up from this dream, I hope this happiness lasts forever. Although, my friends are happy for me except for Adenike who now takes me as her rival. In just a short time I’ve grown to love Gaffar.

Knock! knock!! knock!!! Was the sound that brought me outta of my thought.

“Who’s it”? I asked.

“Its your ancestors o you hear. We’ve been knocking since and your silly self can’t open the door”.

I smiled at the statement for I know it was coming from Adenike so I just got up to open the door. She’s been less rude and saucy since the day I gave her a piece of my mind which gave her the shock of her life.

Although, she has not stopped being rude she has only reduced it but I don’t give her replies all the time. “Haba Sholape, we’ve been knocking at the door since” said Omotara.

” I’m sorry girls, I was lost in thought” I replied.

“Hmm tell us what you were thinking about” Omotara said.

“Who wants to hear her wretched thoughts? I’m not interested in listening” Adenike protested

“Look Adenike, is not by force you listen, you can block your ears or better still leave the room when we’re done, we’ll call on you” Zainab said.

While Omotara waved her hands in the air signalling for me to ignore her.

“So back to you baby, what’s making you think? Zainab asked whith smile.

“Well I’ve been thinking of Gaffar and how true is love could be or am I hallucinating” I said.

Adenike burst into a thunder of laughter clapping her hands together saying; “look at this mumu, you think Gaffar loves you? You’re a fool now. You’re not his type at all if you don’t know”.

“I mean there are people like me there he didn’t choose me but you. I’m sure is blind if not I wonder what he’s doing with you” she added.

“Don’t worry, when he uses and dumps you, you’ll be smart. He only date girls like me just me” she said angrily. “Haaaaaaa Adenik” Zainab said.

She turned to me looking guilty, she was about saying something when Omotara said “follow your heart babe. If you’re happy with him, so be it”

I felt bad about what Adenike said but I had to let go because I find happiness in Gaffar.

” Zainab said.

She turned to me looking guilty, she was about saying something when Omotara said “follow your heart babe. If you’re happy with him, so be it”

I felt bad about what Adenike said but I had to let go because I find happiness in Gaffar.” Zainab said.

She turned to me looking guilty, she was about saying something when Omotara said “follow your heart babe. If you’re happy with him, so be it”

I felt bad about what Adenike said but I had to let go because I find happiness in Gaffar

“Oh my! its Gaffar’s birthday today”. I woke up saying that to myself.

“Sholape!Sholape!Sholape! Someone is asking after you o!!!” Omotara called from outside.

“Who’s it”? I asked .. “well! come outside, and you’ll see the person” she replied. I rushed out of the room in my pyjamas. “Good morning!” I said to the young man standing outside.

“Good morning ma!” he said opening the car, while bringing out a parcel while he gave it to me. “That is from oga Gaffar, he asked me to give it to you”, he said.

I didn’t notice he came in Gaffar’s car until he made mention of the name. “Oh! okay thank you”, I said to him while I turned back to my room.

On getting to the room, my friends were seating on their beds looking anxious. “What has done this time o!” they chorused, immediately I opened the door.

“I don’t know”, I said shyly. “its just a parcel”, I said showing it to them. “Oya open it” they said.

I tore it opened and behold it was a black dress and a note placed on it. ” Oh my! this is cute and romantic” Omotara said touching her chest while Adenike murmured some thing under her breath.“Oh! it came with a note” Sharon said.

I quickly took the note so I could read what was written in it.

“Read it out” they all chorused!

“hey baby, I know by the time you’ll be reading this note, it means Albert has successfully delivered my message. Did you sleep well my cute princess?

I got you that colour of dress because its your favourite and I sure know you’ll look sexy in that dress, because every thing you wear fits your perfectly.

Don’t worry about the footwear to match the dress as I already thought of the colour and type of footwear for you.

I want you to put on the silver heels I got for you and you don’t need to worry about the necklace because that will be surprise which you just made me ruin by telling you.

I credited your account which I just opened with some amount of money. Look at the parcel closely, you’ll see a debit card in it.

Withdraw any amount you want, the pin is your date of birth. Make your hair from the money and do all other necessary things. I’ll ask Albert to come pick you when its time.

I can’t wait to see you the queen of my heart. Till then, I have lot of love for you. Kisses to my one and only”.

I chuckled and felt happy at his use of words while my friends chorused

“oh my! Love is in the air”. I smiled at them, they all returned the smile but Zainab’s facial expression read a different meaning.

I don’t know what it is, but something is definitely wrong with her, I’ll ask after the party.

“Hey you look here, no matter how much designer dress and shoes you wear, it won’t stop you from being wretched. Come out of your dream because Gaffar won’t end up with you”. Adenike said while she stormed out of the room.

I wanted to reply her but I ignored her because I didn’t want her to ruin my mood.

My friends said “ignore her” while they talked about how they were going to transform my face for tonight and the dress they were going to wear for the party also.

“You look so gorgeous” Sharon said,

“thank you”, I replied. “If doesn’t hold you well, I’m sure his other friends might want to snatch you from him”.

I chuckled at her statement “but sincerely you look elegant Sholape. Imagine how you’ll look this way everyday? if only you allow a little make over on your face” Omotara added. “Thank you” I said.

They all insisted I had make up on, they said I’ll look too ordinary that I’ve to look my best seems its a big party and Gaffar’s parents will be there.

They were also using this party as an opportunity to celebrate Gaffar’s dad victory on an election..

we’ll that’s by the way. So I allowed the girls played with my face now they gave me a complete make over which won’t make me recognise myself.

“You guys should stop wasting time on this thing abeg we have a party to attend” Adenike shouted.

We all turned to look at her, totally ignoring her. All this while, zainab I know.

I didn’t want to ask her now but I sure will ask her once this party drama is over because Albert will be on his way

I got to the party a little bit late because of traffic. I sighted Gaffar immediately I stepped out of the car but he wasn’t alone, I can see a number of girls clinching themselves to him smiling like they just won a lottery.

I made a move to work closer to them in other to claim what is mine but I didn’t know how to go about that but I had to anyway because I’m feeling irritated at the sight of the girls and something I’m sure is jealousy.

I was very close to them when I made a sound clearing my throat. They all turned back to look at me while the girls gave me a who’s this kinda look.

Thank God Gaffar made an effort to make me look expensive, if not, I’d feel intimidated by their look because I know I won’t have anything to fight with but its cool I look nice.

I’m sure my looks can speak for me. Gaffar whispered some thing to them which I’m guessing he took an excuse while he made his way towards me smiling like kid.

“Hey babe, how are you”? He asked.. I was worried about you but its a good thing you were in safe hands. I didn’t bother replying him because I was pissed at him. He noticed my mood when he said, “c’mon they are just my friends” he said to me.

” No problem Gaffar”. Okay come, let me introduce you to my folks, he said while he pulled me by the arm. Soon we got to the group of people having a little chat holding glasses of wine and laughing like they have no worries.

They all look wealthy and sophisticated. He pulled me closer to a man and woman whom I’m guessing are his parents.

The woman looked very young to be his mum, looking all stylish while the man on the other hand looked older than his mun but trust me, his dessing was spokr volume. I see where Gaffar got his extravagant lifestyle from.

” Hey mom and dad”, he said.

“Hey dear! how are you?”, they asked in return.

“Mom and dad, this is Sholape”.

“Oh my dear, how are you?” His mum said with a lot accent stressed on her words.

“Omo ta ni oun o” (whose daughter is she?) “Ermmmm” Gaffar started to stutter.

Don’t worry Gaffar, I already know she’s one of them, the woman said. I felt flushed when I heard this. Already, I was too shy to talk to them but this has made me feel less of myself.

I wanted to tell her that although my family isn’t well known but by the grace of God, we aren’t suffering and I also wanted to remind her that a tree doesn’t just grow in a day.

But I couldn’t bring myself to say a word so Gaffar took me by the arm and took me back to where we were. He was about saying something when we heard someone shout is name. The person was coming closer

oh my God its Adenike… my night couldn’t get any worse.

“Happy birthday”, she said to him hugging him and putting all her breast on his body. Really this Adenike girl is going to hear it from me.

Thank you he said in reply having a flirtatious look on his face.

“Errrmmm I’ll go meet the girls,” I said to Gaffar.

“Sure dear” he said in return

“like you know you weren’t needed”, Adenike said .

I turned back and gave a her a good slap. She was shocked and she made an attempt to slap me back when the rest of the girls showed up.

Everyone kept saying calm down please and Zainab rushed down to meet me. She looked into my eyes and her facial expression changed to a guilty one she was about saying something when Gaffar’s parent yelled “what’s going on here?”.

I made an eye contact with Gaffar while I shook my head. I mean he couldn’t even stand up for me.

I’m sure I’ve painted a bad image of myself to Gaffar parents. I don’t know if I went overboard but I’m really pissed and I don’t regret doing that to Adenike.

I went to Gaffar and asked if Albert could take me home because I can’t go with the girls. He wanted to say something but I was too impatient so I turned to go home myself.


Ever since I got back from the party, things hasn’t been smooth with Gaffar and I. Although he’s been apologising, but I’m too stronghearted to accept his plead.

He called me this afternoon saying “he’d like to see me so we can talk things over”. I’ll be meeting him at night in his house. Well, I’ve to look my best because I’ve not seen him in days now and I’ve missed him so much.

Albert was coming to pick me up as usual by 7 so I’ve enough time to prepare.

The day went so fast and it was seven already. I was putting on my blue dress which is an ankle length, not so free and not so tight just normal and sexy.

We got to the gigantic mansion while I already sighted Gaffar at the tree side holding a glass of wine.

I was happy to see him again but my pride controlled me so I was able to act like I didn’t care.

“Hey sweet” he said, trying to move closer to peck me.

I moved backwards not wanting him to touch me at all even though I feel a little different today.

“C’mon baby, are you still mad at me?” “What more do you want me to do to rectify this? You rejected my gifts, even the novels I got for you, you weren’t replying my text messages. Do you know how that made me feel?

I couldn’t eat for days, I fell sick all because of you, I even sent people to help me apologise, yet you’re still adamant.

Mummy and daddy also wanted to see you to apologise for their act, is this how you’d have acted to them if they were around?” He said all that in anger and left me standing alone.

Oh my! What have I done to bring out this rage in him. Even though I wasn’t sure of Gaffar’s love initially, all his acts during our quarrel made me love him more.

I’ve to apologise to him and I sure would not have acted this way if his parent were here, I mean I wouldn’t want my in- law to think low of me.

I wouldn’t want them thinking their wife to be is a spoilt brat when in actual sense, I’m a good girl from a good home. I’ve to apologise to him and tell him how much I love him too.

I searched for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. I figured he’d be upstairs in his room.

Aside the birthday celebration, I’ve been to his house when he was sick and both his parents weren’t around. I rushed upstairs and I found him in his room sitting on the floor crying. God guilt was all I could feel.

How can I be so blind to see how much a man loves me. I knelt in front of him saying I’m sorry but he wouldn’t stop crying, asking if it was a crime to love me?

‘What else do you want me to do?”

God I couldn’t say anything because its all my fault that he’s in this condition. “Gaffar I’m sorry, I didn’t know you love me this much and I swear I love you too more than words can express”.

“Sholape, I love you, can’t you see?” He said raising my head up so I could look up at him.

At this time, we were already so close to eachother and the enviroment was intense. I wiped his tears while I gave my last apology.

I look into his eyes and all I could see was love. oh my! This is my stopping point, I could get married to Gaffar right now because this feeling isn’t the same.

At this point, I wanted his hand all over my body, I wanted his smell all over me, I wanted to travel down his eyes to know what he was feeling, I wanted us to breath at the same pace while our hearts beats in rhythm, I wanted more of him, his body and soul.

“Let me love you Sholape”, he said in a low tone.

This sent some type of feeling to my body as I raised my head once more to look at him. Gosh I don’t know what this feeling is but I don’t ever want this to stop.

“Love me” was all I could manage to say with a weak voice filled with lust.

He brought my face closer to his which made our lips come in contact. We started to kiss lips to lips in a very slow motion. I wasn’t really good at this so he chuckled at my mistake and said; “dont worry, I love your imperfections”.

At this moment, I wanted more of him and I was done with the talking so I initiated the kiss myself.

We went tongue in tongue out and by doing this I was really wet. He used his hand to curb my breast from within which made me make a soft moan “hmm” he moved my body closer which made our chest come closer, I could feel the intense and fire from him.

He moved his hands around my body, going down to my lap while sending a shock down to my spine. He kissed my neck and mumbled at my ear a little.

He kept on touching my lap area and didn’t stop with kisses until he was able to pull my cloth without me knowing how.

He helped me up while he continued kissing me and laid me on the bed peacefully saying “gosh you’re so sweet”.

He kissed me from my lips, down to my neck and navel making me feel some type of way. He caressed my body, he caressed my breast softly while he moaned sofyly making a little movement down to my area.

He got down there and he shifted my panties to the side when he said softly, “you’re so wet for me” at this moment, I wasn’t myself so I wanted him to do every thing he could to me.

He played with my area, this made me moan out loud. I was really wet at this moment, he licked his finger which he used in playing with my area while he moved up to me. Gosh I didn’t know he was naked until I felt his member.

Gosh! he’s so huge, I thought to myself. He looked into my eyes while I had the courage to tell him I was still intact.

He smiled and said you wont regret giving it to me because I love you and you love me and that’s all that matters.

He thrust his member at my door and whispered this is going to be painful but the love we have for eachother will keep us going.

He kept saying sweet things to my ear while he tired penetrating. He made it slow as he was going in rhythm I let out a very loud sound of pain while he kept kissing me.

Alas, his member was in me going in and out. I was deflowered, Gaffar deflowered me.

We got done and he cleaned me up, we had a little chat while he talked about our future together. We had a passionate kiss when he asked me never to leave him.

I’m so happy I gave my virginity to him seems he’s going to be my husband eventally. He called upon Albert to drive me home while we bid ourselves good night.


I was at the door trying to pull my sandals, when I heard; “so the stupid girl allowed to get down with her?

I told you guys she was just a pretender, That God forsaken goat, now she has runied my chances with Gaffar.

God o! Well I’ll step up my game. I knew she was going to give in, infact, I didn’t know it was going to be this late.What matters is that our deal came through. God, I really want to hear the full gist, if she’ll be moaning like a learner that she is or if she was moaning loud and shouting “oh give it to me daddy” ha God o sholape don tear eye”.

I stayed there motionless while tears kept runing down my cheeks, I was filled with rage and anger but I didn’t know what to do. How did they know I got deflowered? Who could have told them.

“Why are you been stupid? Didn’t you hear all they just said? It was a bet, they had a bet on your virginity”, my subconscious added.

God I’ve been doomed, so all these was all a plan all along? So Gaffar tricked me into thinking he was going to marry me? No no no this can’t be, Gaffar can’t be as heartless as these girls.

He loves me, he told me that countless times, he was sweet to me, he was caring, he showered me with a lot of gifts, he listened to me, he helped me.

Could all these be planned too? There’s a mix up somewhere. May be its not my own Sholape and Gaffar they are talking about, I need clarifications.

I summoned courage to go inside in other to confront them. I barged inside, they all had different expressions on their faces, one was of shock, the other was of guilt, one was of sympathy and the other was showing no remorse at all.

“Is all these true?” I asked them. They were all dumbfounded and couldn’t say anything .

“Please tell me if all these is true”, I asked again.

Zainab was about saying something when Adenike shut her up.

“Zainab please dont even act like this towards this bitch. She wanted it and she got it, silly bitch, stupid prostitute opening her legs because of money”.

“Enough! enough! Zainab yelled in tears, we’re at fault here and we’re suppose to admit our mistakes, we have no right to change people’s lives.

We bet on her virginity which is wrong. We should have known Gaffar was like this, we should have told her, we should have warned her, we should have cared for her because we knew she was going to fall for him”.

I wanted to tell you Sholape, but you were too happy, I didn’t want to ruin your happiness, I thought Gaffar had already changed his mind, but I should have warned you regardless.

I’m sorry for my wrongs Sholape, you were too in love. I’m sorry, she pleaded.

I was too dumbfounded to say a word, so I left the room in tears.

I couldn’t sleep in that room with those betrayals so I slept in one of my course mate’s room with the hope of going to see Gaffar the next day so he could explain to me if all these were true.

I couldn’t sleep all night because i can’t believe i let myself get played, I can’t believe I was too stupid to see.

Every thing was too good to be true, I can’t believe I let myself get played by those I call my friends.

I should have known better since Adenike started throwing shades at me.

Ha! how wicked can people be? She initiated a plan and she was picking fights with me for the plan she initiated. I can’t belive this.

I can’t belive I let myself down. I disappointed my mother, I allowed money took the better part of me, I forgot Kayode the only one thar truly loves me for some idiot Gaffar. Is this the punishment for my greed? Is this what I get for being impatient?

I should have just waited for Kayode. Who will I tell my story to that would belive me? I let my brother down, I let my aunt down.

I disappointed my mother, how would I prove to my father that my mother trained me right? How would I prove to him that I’m more than what he sees me as? I’m just a shame.

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