TOUCHING STORY : The Life I Didn’t Wish For (Episode 8)

It was early in the morning when I woke up. I couldn’t find my mother on the bed, while my brother slept like someone who has no worries.Of course he doesn’t, I mean what does a child know? Thank God it didn’t rain, I said quietly almost in a whisper.I got up lazily from the bed in search of my mother as if she was missing. I can’t go a day without my mum.Mummy! I shouted.
where are you?? Mummy! Mummy!She’s nowhere here, I kept walking and shouting her name when I spotted her at the backyard.Mummy, good morning ma. What are you doing here all alone?? I asked.Good morning Sholape, how was your night?? She said all these while she wastrying to to hide her face from me, bending her head as if she was going toenter the ground.
Mummy what’s wrong??Why aren’t you looking at me??Have I offended you?? She didn’t say a word but she kept moving her head left and right.Are you crying? I squat too look at her as if I was going to go back insideher womb. I raised her head up, I was surprised at her look. She looked worsethan yesterday.What could be going on mummy?What are you not telling me? I asked.
She didn’t say a word while she kept crying like a baby. For a moment, I wished she was a child that I could beatso she could talk.Mummy talk to me. Sholape I’m sick, she finally said.By this time, I couldn’t hold my tears back. I hate seeing my mother in suchpain.Mummy what kind of sickness??She didn’t reply, she just kept on saying I’m sick.
 She started praying at themiddle of her sob saying my effort won’t go in vain, I’ll reap the fruit of my Labour while she cried hard saying the evil plan of my enemy won’t succeed. I kept saying Amin.Mummy why are you taking like this?? Don’t worry, no one will take my place, she said.
This isn’t fair, why is she not saying anything? At this point, I was thinkingall sort and crying like I wanted to make a pool out of my tears. The rest of the day was sad and quiet.It was lunch period. I was the only one left in the class, all of my classmatehad gone for lunch.What is my joy? What is lunch in my life at this moment? My Mother is lying critically ill at home and she wouldn’t even tell me what’s wrong.
 What if she dies? Ha God forbid!.Sholape this is the third time I’m calling your name, you were lost in thought what are you thinking?Are you not going for lunch?? Kayode said.I’m not hungry, I replied.Baby something is wrong, why won’t you tell me, he said, I looked at him wishing he could read my mind because I wasn’t ready to talk.I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn’t find myself talking. It seems like I’ve lost my voice. He kept on saying talk to me.I managed to say Mummy when tears found its way.
 He didn’t take his timeIn pulling me closer for a hug, rocking me back and forth saying everything is going to be okay, Calm down baby, don’t rush it, you can talk to me whenever you want.I’m always here to listen, he said.I was calm and he told me to sit down, He would get my lunch.By this time, I wasn’t crying anymore. He left, I’ll tell him as soon as he’sback. I just want to talk.He came in with a bottle of Fanta and a pack of food which I have no idea of what’s in it.He was about getting close to me when I said; my mum is very sick, She looks old and weak, She won’t tell me what’s wrong, I said to him.
The look on his face changed, shaking his head sympathetically.I’m sorry to hear this, She’s gonna be fine, You won’t lose her, He said to me trying to smile, in other to convince me.He managed to hug me and make me happy telling me I should remember he’s always there for me. I wish we could go further than hugging but he’s been trying to obey me seems I told him I wanted to keep myself till the night of my wedding.

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