TOUCHING STORY:- The Life I Didn’t Wish For (Episode 13)

We started living in my aunt Adunni’s house, life there wasn’t so easy and things didn’t feel the same.She doesn’t have kids but she treats us right with the little she has.My father didn’t fulfil his promise of him taking care of I and my Brother like my mother does but I wasn’t surprised because I wasn’t expecting more than the usual payment of education fee and all.I was about going to have a little chat with my aunt when my phone rang. Itwas kayode. I was so happy to see his call.I’ve been too depressed and need to speak to him. Oh my! I really love him, he stood by me through out this bad times.He’s such a rare gem and I hope I can pay him back some day. I’d practically forgot the phone was ringing while I dwell in my thoughts. The loudsound of the ringtone brought me out of my thoughts.I picked up the call while a sharp “hello” hit me from the other end. “Hey there” I said in reply.“I’m okay Sholape, there’s something I want to discuss with you but I’ve nothad time to say it to you because of all that has been happening”, he said.I felt a sharp pain in my tummy. My heart started to beat faster.I was not ready for another bad news but Kayode sounded like he was about to drop a bomb on me. “Hmm okay, I’m listening”, I said to him. “Well Sholape I’ll be travelling to Ghana for my university education”.” I should have told you this earlier but I didn’t want to compound your thoughts”. Wow, finally the bomb has been dropped. What is he saying to me?Just then so many questions ran through my head. I wanted to ask him so many things like since when have you been thinking of this?Why didn’t you tell me when the process was going on? But you promised you weren’t going to leave so why then do you want to leave me especially atthis point??But I couldn’t, wow! was all I managed to say. I was too shocked to say more than that.“Don’t worry Sholape, nothing is going to change between us, I’ll always check up on you and we’ll get to chat everyday”. Wow! kayode has forgotten so soon that my phone isn’t a multimedia phone. Time flies.He chuckled knowing he had made a mistake of saying chat to me.“I’m sorry Sholape I forgot your phone isn’t……”I cut him off by saying “its okay”.“Still Sholape, nothing is going to change between us okay”??“Yeah right” was all I could say.I was about asking him when he was leaving when he said I leave tonight.This is a bigger bomb. So there’s no way I was even going to see him before leaving.. life is cruel after all.“Oh okay” was my reply.“Safe journey, let me know when you get there”.“No problem Sholape be good for me and always remember that I love you”.I wanted to say I love you too, I wanted to say do not forget me no matterwhat, I wanted to say stay with me but all I could do was cry.He sounded so casual. He sounded like it was normal for him to leave. I wasabout to say something when he said bye and hung up immediately.Oh my! Kayode didn’t sound remorseful, he sounded like it was normal for him to leave. I was crying so hard that I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror in front of me. Just then, my aunt came inside..“haba Sholape, are you still crying?? I told you I’ll be a mother to you and your brother, I told you I’ll do everything in my capacity to do everything yourmother wasn’t able to do. Just call on me whenever you need anything, I’m sure God will take control”.I didn’t know how to tell her that I know all these already and that I can seethat she’s trying her best and I’m really grateful for that.I don’t know how to tell her that’s not the reason I’m crying but how will she take it if I told her I was crying because of a guy not just any guy butKayode.I didn’t know what I was thinking, I said it anyway I told her. I told her itsKayode that is the cause of my cry.“Sholape calm down. I’m not getting you. Who’s kayode?“Aunty he’s the guy that was with me during my mum’s funeral and all”.“Oh oh oh oh ha omo yen ma se eniyan o..(he’s such a good guy). Sholape, enlighten me on this matter.I didn’t know if I was to brush her off and tell her not to worry but I needed someone to talk to, so I started pouring out my mind. I told her everything… I mean every thing she needed to know. “Hmmm Sholape, calm down.In all honesty, you’re too young to know what love is but as it is I can seeyou know love already. Don’t worry dear, what will be will be. Just keep hoping things turn out well. God will be in control.Don’t worry, I’m always here to listen to you and I love you so much. But one thing I know for sure is what would be would be.Just then she pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead while she said I love you so much”.The days went by so fast, its being a month since kayode had travelled to Ghana. Communication with us hasn’t been swift and steady but I wasn’t all that bothered anymore seems I’ve been off drama for a while now and I really need to tell him somethings.Although, I’ve missed him but I’ve to let him concentrate. My aunt came into the room smiling like she just won a lottery. “Aunty Adunni, to what do I owe this happiness written all over your face”? I asked.“Ha oko mi,(my dear) you’re the reason for my happiness. I told you good things will always come our way”.“Oh” I said getting confused. I hate to be put on suspense.“Sholape mi, I’m so happy. If only your mother was here to see this she stated, starting to squeeze her face in a way to say she’s remembering the past.“Aunty Adunni, what’s going on”? I asked growing impatient.“My dear your father just called me that you just gained an admission to a university in Ogun state”.My face immediately turned sour contrary to the expression written on my aunt’s face all smiles.” Sholape what is wrong”? she asked.. “Aunty mi”, (my aunt) why didn’t mydad call me to tell me this himself?“Sholape, this should be the least of your worries now”. “At least he informedus. what if he didn’t tell us at all expecting us to know all about this on ourown, as if witchcraft runs in our family” she said. I smiled at her use of words.“Don’t worry, God is with us. He’s going to be surprised at how marvelous you’re going to be”.“Aunty mi, did he say anything about the bills”? I asked.She immediately sighed moving her head back and forth. I immediately knew what the problem was but I didn’t want to be forward about it.“Don’t worry Sholape, he has cleared your educational fee he said we should take care of the rest”.“As usual, I knew my father won’t change. But he knows you’re not my mum so why would he be splitting the bills between you both”?. Why does he not like to take responsibility over me? Am I a bastard ?Did my mum give me up for adoption to him? Why is it only my school feeshe takes care of?? What’s wrong with the fatherly care and every other thing a father is suppose to do for his child? At this point, I was crying profusely.My aunt just kept staring at me.“Calm down Sholape, God that has been doing it all these while is still on histhrone . I know I don’t have much but I’ll take care of you and your brotherwith the little I have. Don’t worry I’ll be a mother to you”.I wanted to tell her No one could be like my mother but I didn’t want to hurt her so I just ran into her arms for a hug to comfort me at least.“He said you’ll go for an exam just for formality but you’ll get in regardless”. “You leave this weekend” she said.Another thought came through my mind, how will my Brother be? I knew I didn’t have to worry much seems my aunt is perfect for us.But how will she care for both of us especially now that I’m in school?? Maybe I should trust my aunt’s word. I’m sure my Brother will be better offwith her.

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